Uxbridge Youth Centre

About Us

meet our people • hear our story

Curious about the Uxbridge Youth Centre?

The Uxbridge Youth Centre is a free after-school drop-in centre for youth ages 11 and up. We are proud to offer a safe and supervised space for kids to hang out and enjoy fun daily programs. Whether you’re looking to craft your next DIY masterpiece, cook up a delicious snack after school, score a few goals in street hockey, meet some new people, or enjoy a movie with your friends – there’s something here for everyone! Come on by during our drop-in hours and have some fun!

The Uxbridge Youth Centre started in 2006 when a group of parents, local youth and community members came together to establish a youth centre in Uxbridge. The group raised awareness and funding through meetings, events, fundraising, and surveys that aimed to determine the needs of the community’s youth. This dedicated group of volunteers worked tirelessly with local Service Clubs, schools and Town Council to gain local support.

Thanks to a very generous grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and a donation of a downtown storefront from the Township of Uxbridge, The Uxbridge Youth Centre opened it’s doors to youth in October of 2008! We have recently made the move to 75 Marietta Street in Uxbridge, visit us to check out our new space!​

Our Mission

The Uxbridge Youth Centre works with families, schools, community partners and the Township to provide high quality information access with innovative and relevant programming for all youth ages of 11 and up in a positive, inclusive environment.

Our Vision

Our confident, curious, thoughtful youth are engaged and respected as valued citizens.

What We Offer

The UYC is open Monday to Friday and provides various programming throughout the week.
Our programs span a variety of interests and are provided at minimal to no cost.

The Uxbridge Youth Centre maintains high standards for its operation and seeks to provide:

We aim to provide youth with a positive, fun and accepting atmosphere that is free from:

Board of Directors

Thank You to our Board of Directors for their continued support of the Uxbridge Youth Centre!

James Houghton

James Houghton


Ken Bice

Ken Bice


Amanda Ferraro

Amanda Ferraro

Township Liaison

Kathleen O'Keefe-Foster

Kathleen O'Keefe-Foster

USS Liaison

Quincy Boadway

Quincy Boadway


Deborah Dee

Deborah Dee

Rotary Liaison

Drop-in Hours Staff

The first friendly face you’ll meet when you visit us at Uxbridge Youth Centre!

Dale McKnight

Dale McKnight

Program Facilitator