Craft-A-Snack (Online)
Welcome to Craft A Snack Online!
During the Summer of 2021 we will be hosting both in-person and online events depending on the weather! During sunny days we’ll be hosting outdoor events and during rainy days we’ll be hosting online events.
This is an online event!
Our delicious snack building program is now available online! During a few of the rainy days this summer, we’re going to be posting YouTube videos that will help you discover a new snack that’s easy to make and tasty! After you make the snack of the week, feel free to send us a review of the treat or ideas for other snacks we could make! As the weeks go by, you can always come back and find the recipes for past delicious snacks.
Upcoming Activity: A Video Recipe
When: Wednesday August 10 2021
Check out our activity on Wednesday August 10 by clicking here!