Uxbridge Youth Centre

In-Kind Donations

Gift Ideas To help us Improve Our Space

We truly appreciate the donations we have received from our community thus far. This support has been invaluable to the Uxbridge Youth Centre’s success. If you would like some ideas on items that would be greatly appreciated by our youth, please see our wishlist below.

Art Supplies

Paint, Glue Sticks, Crayons & More!

Art Supplies

Art supplies are incredibly popular at the UYC. Any donation of art supplies would go a long way as they are used for our workshops and during regular drop-in hours.


Cardboard & Pixelated Games!


Board and video games are incredibly popular activities at the UYC. We’re always interested in trying out new gaming experiences!

Food & Snacks

Snacks! Snacks! Snacks!

Food & Snacks

Snacking is probably the ultimate activity at the UYC. Any food donations will be greatly appreciated – very quickly!